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Resilience, Equilibrium, Inner Peace
Transcending the Anxiety of our Times
The focus of this meditative inquiry is on connecting with inner peace, resilience and heart wisdom in our rapidly changing world, and understanding the conditioned factors that cause psychological and emotional suffering. We'll also explore Five Empowering Ways of transcending the anxiety and disorder of our times by embracing what really matters.
The world is changing at a speed that is unprecedented and with it comes a sense of unease or bewilderment. Our species is the driving force behind accelerating climate change and rapidly advancing technologies that will transform the way we live, for better and for worse. At the same time, something else is emerging or trying to emerge out of the chaos and wreckage of what no longer works for us or for our planet.
What may be trying to emerge in the midst of global upheaval and change is an awareness that unifies us and acknowledges our interdependence with nature and with each other. If this deeper awareness is to flourish in our rapidly changing world, the gentle power of your own presence is an integral part of this awakening process. The inner quietude of your presence matters, not only to you, but to your family, friends and everyone you encounter.
This online meditative inquiry will also offer simple suggestions to help re-discover the resilience and equilibrium that arise with inner quietude. Recordings will be available to all who register.
Some of the sources for our meditative inquiry include the insights of J. Krishnamurti, Thomas Merton and Ramana Maharshi.
Planning is in progress for retreats and meditative inquiry programs that will be available in May and September of 2025 and also during the summer. Two of the retreats will be onsite at the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada in Victoria, BC. A summer retreat is in the planning stages at a beautiful location in Washington state. Details about all 2025 retreats and programs will be posted in the new year and announced in the newsletter. I hope you can join us!
If you'd like to meet in the spirit of meditative self-inquiry and engage with the gentle grace of a deeper presence within yourself, these one-to-one meetings can be grounding and helpful. It's all about easing into a peaceful mind and heart, no matter what the outer circumstances happen to be. Offered by donation.
J. Krishnamurti
More than ever, it's important for us to be grounded in the light of inner stillness, despite the turbulence in our lives and the chaos in the world. It's not easy of course, but we'll explore this possibility together.
Inner stillness is state of being in which the mind is silent and receptive. This quality of being is linked to the mystery of our own existence and to the beauty we see in the natural world. This online gathering explores the possibility of connecting more deeply to the mystery that surrounds us. Online, December 7, 11 AM Pacific.
Hosted by In the Now Media. Registration is full. This program has ended.
Join me for a 7-Day Retreat and Study Program in May or in October. Choose your own dates for any week between May 2 to June 3, 2024, or from October 9 to October 17. Your stay includes private one-to-one meetings and a weekly group meeting focused on meditative self-inquiry,
Each room has a private bath.
This program is hosted by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada, a non-profit organization.
Located on 32 acres of ocean front property, this beautiful, setting supports your journey into a quiet mind and the light of self-understanding. There are several forest hiking trails, lush gardens and a private beach to soothe mind and heart. You choose the dates of your retreat anytime between
May 2 - June 3 or between October 9 to October 17.
If interested, please use the Contact Page to request more information and registration details.
In a mutually supportive atmosphere of kindness and friendship, this workshop is an inquiry into the possibility of being a light to oneself. Our emphasis is on the importance of looking inward to find out what it means to be “a light to oneself.” Central to this looking inward is the observation of the activities of the self without judging ourselves or others.
This online meditative workshop is open to anyone interested in discovering inner quietude. All are welcome, whether or not you are familiar with Krishnamurti. Hosted by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada.
Awakened awareness is essential for a happy and fulfilling life. This monthly series is based on Krishnamurti’s insights into that he called “choiceless awareness."
Monthly sessions. Each 90 minute gathering is a meditative exploration of the awareness that is not bound by time ― the awareness that frees us from the mind-made self. Interludes of quietude and sacred music are included, as well as time for questions and discussion. All are welcome. Hosted by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada,
This program will explore the existential question: Who Am I? It is the most fundamental of all questions and central to understanding our purpose in life. Our exploration will include the views of Ramana Maharshi, J. Krishnamurti
and GI Gurdjieff.
Hosted by the Four Winds Gallery, Santa Barbara
Seating is limited.
Spring is a time of renewal. Flowers bloom with vibrant color, birdsong fills the air, and all of nature is alive with new energy and beauty. But does this renewal happen within us? Are we renewing our energy, vitality, and creativity? Join us in a supportive and quiet atmosphere where inner tranquility is lovingly welcomed like an old friend.
Temecula Valley and Ojai
Seeing with the inner perception that transcends the ordinary mind is not common for most of us, but neither is it the exclusive domain of the few. The quality of our attention determines the quality of our seeing.
In order to “see” with a direct perception, we need to get out of our own way. At the same time, when the mind is completely silent, no-one is there, just the seeing.
Hosted by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada.
A quiet mind is a gift to yourself and to the world.
When there is equilibrium in body, mind and heart, there is a sense of calm and unity. Life can be an adventure, always new and creative, despite the inevitable challenges we face. Conflict and sorrow don't have to rule our existence.
This weekend retreat is all about relaxation, quietude and a deep dive into your own inner being.
Hosted by In the Now Media Foundation (online)
Rābiʼa of Basra, Mary Magdalene and Yeshé Tsogyal.
A 3-session workshop and one-day retreat over 4 days centered on three incredible women whose spiritual influence echoes through the time. Their voices are more important than ever. The workshop is followed by a One Day Retreat.
Hosted by the Krotona Institute, Ojai, CA
“Every living being comes from the Mother of us all.” Lao Tzu
In art, music, poetry and spiritual literature, the Sacred Feminine is a transforming power that unites the mind with the compassion of the heart. This goes beyond gender identity and beyond duality. Our retreat explores the integration of what we call "feminine and masculine energies" and how balancing them can create a more harmonious world. When one energy dominates the other,
there is separation, conflict and suffering.
A 3-Day Retreat/Workshop in Ojai, CA
Krishnamurti wrote with great sensitivity about the beauty and wonders of nature. This program explores Krishnamurti’s profound kinship with nature, and what we can learn from his insights.
Krotona Institute
Ojai CA.
Inner silence is often imagined as an ocean; vast, deep, powerful and unknown. When the mind is silent, life has exquisite beauty, balance
and equilibrium.
In the ocean of silence, there are no deadlines and no stress.
To fully relax in a supportive environment is the aim of this weekend retreat.
Weekend Retreat in Ojai, CA
and Temecula, CA
Join us for a tribute to the Earth.
Join for an exploration of the beauty of Earth and its sacred places.
A loving response to the natural world contributes to our well-being, and bring us closes to wholeness
and peace.
At the Ojai Retreat
Ojai, CA
Time and the Timeless
As we know all too well, our lives are governed by time. We waste time, save time, lose time, resist time, and try to overcome time. What is your relationship with time?
Is inner transformation limited by time?
At the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada,
Victoria, BC
The Art of of Deep Listening
Private Weekend Retreat - Temecula, CA
This retreat is an exploration into the art of deep listening and the understanding it brings to us about ourselves and our relationships. To truly listen, without the filter of thought, is an act of love. When we listen with an open heart, conflict recedes and then something new can arise.
The only revolution is the inner revolution that fundamentally changes a human being, and thus, the world. It is a radical transformation that frees us from the divisions that cause violence and damage the natural world.
Hosted by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada.
This retreat is designed to help us recover and embrace our deep connection with the natural world. Our aim is to relax, de-stress and be in union with nature and with each other. Our day together includes walking mediation, meditative inquiry, and body/mind relaxation.
Hosted by the Krotona Institute, Ojai, CA
A more harmonious and compassionate world is something we all long for, but what is required of us? We know the answer intellectually — we need a radical inner transformation. But the intellect is not going to transform us. This monthly series explores the interior change that
J. Krishnamurti called the "only revolution."
"There is a silence which predates time. It was there before we were born and will be there when we die. The Buddha called it “empty space, the home of the awakened mind.”
This series is based on the book
Silent Awareness: The Revelation That Changes Everything
Hosted by the Krotona Institute, Ojai, CA
When Krishnamurti spoke of beauty, he linked it to a heightened level of sensitivity, and to a quality of seeing that transcends the conditioned mind. In our highly polarized world, can we have an authentic relationship with beauty?
Hosted by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada
A series of 4 monthly sessions exploring the inner freedom that arises when thought ends. Can the mind be quiet without effort? Is there freedom in not knowing?
Hosted by the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada
Hear about free offerings, retreats, meditative awareness programs and free articles on a peaceful mind and heart.
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