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Our essential aim is to encounter the silent awareness that brings us wholeness, compassion and peace.
I'll be facilitating two retreats at the Krishnamurti Educational Centre of Canada this year. Give yourself the gift of 7 days of quietude, renewal and meditative inquiry at an ocean front retreat on 33 acres with walking trails and a private beach. One retreat is in May, the other is in September. The theme of each retreat is Inner Stillness and Meditative Inquiry. Relax and engage in a new way of living, based on the insights of J. Krishnamurti.
Dates currently available in May are: May 18 to May 30.
Dates currently available in September are: September 16 to September 29.
J. Krishnamurti
Hear about free offerings, retreats and upcoming meditative programs, workshops and classes.
"Cynthia Overweg's writing is classic literature, easy to read,
and deeply moving. This is a book I couldn't stop reading because
it took me so deeply inward."
― R.E. MARK LEE, author of World Teacher: The Life and Teaching
of J. Krishnamurti
"Silent Awareness invites us on a quest, to an epiphany not of place
or person, but of a luminous, still, Being."
― GABRIELE UHLEIN, OSF, PhD, author of Meditations with
Hildegard of Bingen
"In this wonderful book, Cynthia Overweg gives simple and practical suggestions which can help a searcher to be embraced by the Mysterious Silence pervading the whole cosmos."
― RAVI RAVINDRA, PhD, author of The Wisdom of
Patañjali's Yoga
"This serene, thoughtful, and meditative book helps calm the mind and open us to the stillness that underlies the world
of substance."
― RICHARD SMOLEY, author of Inner Christianity:
A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition
"Cynthia Overweg beautifully captures what it means to know who we are and how our lives are linked with all other lives, from the slightest fluttering of a leaf to the Ground of Being. "
― ROBERT ELLWOOD, PhD, author of Mysticism and Religion awareness meditations upcoming meditative classes